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Those you love should always be there

Incase you fall into despair

You might be crying you might be sad

But things can’t be that bad


It might be scary you might be wary

But they are here to carry

Your problems and your guilt

So that you cannot wilt


So that you don’t go in the wrong direction

So you don’t have to strive for Perfection

Originally written by: Elissa Oxenreider

Student Council Gets Elected

By:Molly Roberts


Here at Haralson County Middle school we value the students opinions. In order to keep this priority number one, we have the students vote on a council. Their pupils get to elect the student body.  A ballot is sent out to every student, only students in your grade will be on the ballot.

Once the students are elected onto the board the students within board elect the governing students. The positions that are available are as following  president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Each position has a different responsibility. The president divides out the jobs to each member and reads the news letters. The vice president assists the president and fills in if they are absent. The secretary schedules meetings and arranges activities. The treasurer deals with all things money related. I asked several students their thoughts on HCMS Student council. I asked Sydney Warren, “Why do you think having a student council is important?” She answered, “ The student actually have a say so in some of the stuff that happens at our school.” I then asked Rylie Harrell if she thought the students elected were reputable she said, “All the students on student council represent the others not apart of the council well.” By these statements we can tell this is going to be a good year in the HCMS student council.

What Should You Read This Nine Weeks?

By: Molly Robinson

    As most of you know, sixth graders are required to complete a reading log every nine weeks.  Most kids dread it, but reading can be fun!  To find out what books are currently most popular, I asked the students in Mrs. Ingram’s homeroom about their favorite books and book series.  

    Some students in the class commented on the Whatever After book series by Sarah Mylnowski.  Personally, I very much enjoy these books.  They are funny, magical, and the main character is a girl around our age.  If you like funny books, but do not want to read anything very lengthy, you might want to try the My Weird School series by Dan Gutman.  These books can be finished in as little as a day and literally make you laugh out loud.  For those of you who do not mind reading longer, more in depth books, there is the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.  Many students in the class really enjoy this series.  These books will keep you occupied for a long time and are worth many A.R. points.  Do you want a more authoritative opinion on what book to read? Ask Ms. Bennett, our librarian, about more selections.  Also, Mrs. Ingram, the advanced reading teacher, always has a book with her.  Some of her favorites are the Hatchet series by Gary Paulsen, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, Number the Stars by Lois Lowry, and the Bible (written by several different people), just to name a few.  Now that you know several great books to try, grab a book and get reading!

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